Taxi en La Palma
Charco Azul
These natural pools are one of the biggest tourist attractions in the north of La Palma.
These natural pools are one of the most important places of leisure and recreation in the municipality and own island of La Palma.
This is a group of seawater pools, a children’s pool, the pool of El Charco in which includes a waterfall, and a pool known as El Charco de Las Damas (Ladies’ pool).
Notably in 2012, which under its reopening, were declared as one of the top 10 natural pools of Spain.
The area is enabled service locker rooms, showers, umbrellas and a kiosk-restaurant.
Charco Azul pools are among the Villa de San Andrés and Puerto Espindola. Areas nearby attractions include the south, the promenade, the beach El Varadero, Lime Kiln, fishing La Cuevita and Villa de San Andrés. On the north we can get to Puerto Espindola, with its black sand beach.
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Habitual preferred destinations

Laguna de Barlovento
One of our regular taxi journeys north of La Palma is from San Andres y Sauces to Barlovento, with the largest dam of La Palma.

The self-guided trail Cubo de La Galga is especially attractive if you want to know the laurisilva in all its glory.

San Andrés
This small villa of the early sixteenth century Canarian architecture has unique beauty.

Marcos y Cordero
Path par excellence to meet La Palma. Following the water channel and through several tunnels.

Bosque de Los Tilos
Los Tilos houses one of the most important laurel forests of the Canary Islands.

Puerto Espíndola
Fishing and docking of port San Andrés y Sauces. It has a beach and a restaurant.